Myths in the Stars,The
シリーズ Smart Readers : Wise and Wide
レベル Level 6-3
YL 0.0 - 0.0
LL 0.0
LLY 0.0 - 0.0
総語数 10,512

Smart Readers : Wise and Wide シリーズ Level 6


1. Introduction: Constellations and Myths
2. Chapter 1: Spring Constellations - Pisces/ Aries/ Taurus
3. Chapter 2: Summer Constellations - Gemini/ Leo/ Cancer
4. Chapter 3: Fall Constellations - Virgo/ Libra/ Scorpius
5. Chapter 4: Winter Constellations - Sagittarius/ Capricornus/ Aquarius


Brooke Rousseau, Geumjin Song(IL)
Happy House
(C) Darakwon Publishing Campany 2015